I spent my entire life chronically ill with issues like allergies, asthma, eczema, digestive issues, “period problems”, joint pain, and low energy. In my mid-twenties, I even developed severe anxiety and panic disorder that was so debilitating I was almost scared to be out in public.
And yet, I never gave any thought to how these things might eventually affect my fertility. I assumed that being able to have kids would be a given, regardless of the shape my health was in.
It took an almost 2-year struggle with infertility before I realized it was time to take a hard look at my health as the root cause.
When it became clear that one (or more) of the problems I was dealing with was likely responsible for our trouble conceiving, my husband and I made the very hard decision to take a break from trying until I could dig deeper, find out what was really going on, and hopefully fix it.
The next few years were a whirlwind! I started changing my diet, developed a passion for natural medicine, healed from most of my chronic symptoms, became a functional nutritionist, and started a fertility-focused practice and podcast.
I was finally able to draw concrete connections between my health and fertility and work toward healing the true underlying causes of why I couldn’t conceive (there were quite a few, in my case).
It was a long, frustrating, and complicated process, and one that I’m determined to save other couples from having to troubleshoot on their own the way that I did.
As hard as all of this has been, my silver lining is being able to share my knowledge and experience with you so that your journey can be much faster and easier than mine was.
I didn’t know who to seek help from when I was starting out, so I became the practitioner I wish I’d had. My goal is to save you the time and struggle I went through!
So here’s what I want you to know…
Fertility drugs and procedures are not your only options.
Don’t get me wrong – conventional fertility medicine is pretty amazing. Fertility doctors are extremely well-educated in their fields and highly trained in using medication and technology to either manipulate or completely bypass the natural reproductive process. And, in some situations, it really is the only option for a couple to conceive. But it doesn’t actually solve infertility because the root cause of the problem is never identified or fixed.
A functional medicine approach can help you no matter where you are in the fertility process.
Whether you have a specific diagnosis or not, whether you’re trying to conceive naturally or through fertility treatments, whether your health is a mess or you’re just trying to be proactive – functional medicine can give you the tools you need to dramatically increase your odds of success. The focus is on supporting and restoring optimal health so your body can do what it already innately knows how to do.
Infertility does NOT define you.
This isn’t your fault, you’re not broken, and you CAN find answers! Trouble conceiving or carrying to term is a symptom of something deeper going on in your body. But it’s not a permanent state of being and it has no bearing on your value as a woman or your worthiness of motherhood. You just need a partner who can help you solve your unique puzzle – someone who is committed to giving you the individualized care you deserve. Let’s find your answers together!