MYF 62 | Healing from IBS and SIBO with Dr. Allison Siebecker
Welcome to Episode 62!
In episode 62, we interview functional digestive health and SIBO expert, Dr. Allison Siebecker, about testing, treatment, and long-term prevention of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). In the U.S. 10-15% of the population is suffering with IBS and two thirds of these cases occur in women. Newer evidence shows that more than 60% of IBS cases are actually caused by SIBO, making this a major issue affecting women's health and, ultimately, fertility. IBS and SIBO can lead to nutrient deficiencies, food sensitivities, hormone imbalances, autoimmune conditions, and systemic inflammation, all of which impact reproductive health in a negative way. We're excited to have Dr. Siebecker with us today to talk about how you can find out if you have SIBO, what causes it, and how to get effective treatment so you can regain your health and support your fertility. This episode is for anyone who is struggling with their digestive health, especially those with regular symptoms of bloating, gas, abdominal discomfort, constipation, diarrhea, or both.
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Show Notes:
5:45 Dr. Siebecker’s background and how she became a naturopathic doctor focused on SIBO
9:40 What SIBO is and what symptoms it typically causes
13:10 The most common underlying causes of SIBO
16:20 How food poisoning can cause IBS and SIBO
19:25 Testing for post-infectious IBS with the IBS Smart test
26:50 Breath testing to diagnose SIBO and determine which type you have
33:20 Other factors that can contribute to SIBO and what health conditions are associated with it
37:20 The role of stress in IBS and SIBO
40:50 Inflammation and anxiety caused by increased LPS toxin that can occur
42:30 Treatment options for hydrogen & methane SIBO and the different layers of treatment to consider
45:30 Pharmaceutical antibiotics
48:25 Herbal antimicrobials
52:45 Elemental diet
60:25 Hydrogen sulfide SIBO treatment options
63:20 Preventing relapse of SIBO with prokinetic drugs or herbs
69:10 Using diet for symptoms management during and/or after treatment
72:00 The connection between SIBO, fertility, and your future baby’s health
77:25 Even “chronic” SIBO doesn’t mean you’ll always be acutely symptomatic all the time
79:30 Dr. Siebecker’s SIBO courses for both practitioners and patients