MYF 95 | The Importance of Asking "Why?" and "What Else?" on Your Fertility Journey

Welcome to Episode 95!

In episode 95, I share some insights on two of the most important questions you can ask yourself and your healthcare providers as you move through your fertility journey. If you haven’t guessed yet by the episode title, those two questions are “Why?” and “What Else?”. These are the questions you should be prepared to ask at every appointment with every practitioner you see when it comes to your fertility (and your health) and they're not always comfortable questions for a lot of providers to answer. These two essential inquiries are what guide my work with 1:1 clients, they’re the foundation of my courses and group programs, and they’ve also guided me through my personal health and fertility journey. Tune in to learn how you can apply them to your health and fertility situation, and how they can help guide your treatment decisions.

Learn more and enroll in the January class of Functional Fertility Healing!

Links to Other Helpful Episodes

Unexplained Infertility

Thyroid Issues

Food Sensitivities

Gut Health

Hormone Imbalances


Diminished Ovarian Reserve

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Show Notes:

0:50        Personal update on what’s new with me

3:20        Exciting Announcement: Functional Fertility Healing is open for enrollment through January 12, 2021

4:40        Intro to this week’s episode

5:25        Getting to the root cause of a health problem is essential to figuring out how to fix it

5:50        The typical Western medicine approach to health doesn’t look into root cause

7:05        Genetics, luck, and getting older can’t explain our increasing rates of health and fertility issues

8:00        The basic rundown of conventional fertility evaluation

9:45        It’s important to have conventional testing done when you’re struggling, but it won’t tell the whole story

10:15     How to ask why: inconsistent or absent ovulation

12:15     How to ask why: diminished ovarian reserve/poor egg quality

13:55     How to ask why: unexplained infertility

15:30     Examples from my practice that benefit from deeper investigation

15:30     Nutrient deficiencies

17:55     Low thyroid function

21:45     Cycle issues and hormone imbalances

24:35     Other common symptom questions

26:05     Conventional treatments can still be helpful and, in some cases, necessary

27:50     How to ask “What else…?” and why it’s so important to advocate for yourself with your providers

29:50     Wrap-up