Feeling sluggish lately? Wearing several layers of clothing when your partner is shirtless? Why is your hair falling out?! These are signs that you’re not producing enough thyroid hormone.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) on the other hand, is a diagnosis you may be less familiar with- though may be experiencing, if symptoms of PMS seem to greatly interfere with your quality of life.
If there’s one system that is absolutely vital to the health of ALL the others (especially the reproductive system), it’s the digestive system. So, let’s start by taking a look at how good digestion specifically supports fertility.
The average American is probably getting 6-10 servings of grains each day and, according to the USDA MyPlate recommendations, only half of these grains need to be whole grains. So, what’s the problem with eating this many grains? Well, there are several, actually.
Although you might think that being a little tired during the day isn’t that big of a deal, we’re here to tell you that getting enough sleep is actually an extremely important part of supporting your overall health and enhancing your fertility.
Your diet, lifestyle, and environmental exposures determine how well your body is able to use your genetic code to create a healthy environment for baby.
Learn about the essential preconception and pregnancy nutrients that are difficult (or impossible) to obtain in sufficient amounts when eating a vegan diet.