Tiny Feet - Natural Fertility Wellness

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MYF 34 | Fueling Male Fertility with Lauren Manaker MS, RDN, LD, CLEC

Welcome to Episode 34!

In episode 34, we interview registered dietitian Lauren Manaker about how to support male fertility with diet and lifestyle. Her brand-new book, Fueling Male Fertility, is a fantastic resource full of simple strategies men can use to start improving both sperm quality and overall health. Throughout the episode, we talk about why a food-first approach is really the way to go, which nutritional protocol has been shown to be most effective for male fertility, and the specific types of nutrients men need to focus on with both diet and supplements. We also go into lifestyle habits that influence male fertility and share why it’s important not to hyper-focus on one area of health at the expense of others. This is definitely a must-listen for women who want to learn more about how to get their partners on board with preconception changes!

Download your FREE quiz: Are You Healthy Enough to Get Pregnant?

Links to Lauren’s Work

Website: https://www.nutritionnowcounseling.com/

Book: Fueling Male Fertility

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Show Notes:

3:50       Lauren’s background and how she became a registered dietitian

4:55       Her personal motivation for starting a private practice focused on fertility and pregnancy

9:00      Why Lauren decided to write a book about male fertility

11:40     The importance of taking control over your health and fertility situation

14:10     Why food should always be first and supplements aren’t the answer to every problem

16:25     Different ways that male fertility can be less than optimal

19:40     What research says is the best dietary approach to fertility

21:50     Considerations for other popular diets for men, specifically the ketogenic diet

25:10     The importance of variety in the diet for nutrient intake and gut health

30:30     Food quality - avoiding pesticides and going organic whenever possible

33:20     What antioxidants are, why they’re so critical to sperm health, and where to get them

38:00     Why you NEED to make sure your diet is in good shape before adding in expensive supplements

39:20     What the research says about alcohol, coffee, and other beverages

44:00     The importance of getting enough sleep for sperm quality and men’s health

47:10     Other lifestyle habits to consider and why no aspect of health is more important than another

51:30     Eliminating common toxic exposures to protect sperm quality and baby’s health

58:30     Lauren’s top pieces of advice for couples on the fertility journey

60:15     Wrap-up